Monday, November 8, 2010

Week 8

This week was a typical week--my mentor teacher is gone most mornings, so I've been working with a substitute until the end of 4th period. (Thankfully, it's the same substitute every day!) This is allowing me to really branch out and take control of the planning, teaching, and classroom management. I think I'm really starting to learn a lot about how to really run a classroom; I always thought I was a good multi-tasker, but now I feel like I have so much more to learn about juggling a million things at once!

Monday was an ISE day (no students). We didn't have to come to school until lunch time, which meant a wonderful morning for me! We had Faculty Senate meetings all morning, and I was able to present my GoogleDocs presentation to the faculty. I think it was well received, and I hope to peak more interest in using GoogleDocs at TCMS. The second part of the ISE day was set aside for Parent-Teacher conferences. My mentor teacher had a never-ending line of parents outside of her door waiting to discuss their child's progress in reading and English classes. It was VERY interesting to sit through, and add my own input to, these conferences! Parent-teacher conferences were always something I feared when I thought about my future career; Monday was a huge help in overcoming that fear! I had so much to say! Since my mentor teacher has been absent most mornings, she hadn't seen some of the students for days and couldn't comment on their participation/work/behavior. It really gave me the confidence to assert myself with parents and be able to discuss problems, concerns, and collaborate on ways to help students improve!

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